Sep 13
Problem Solved
icon1 Justin | icon2 Uncategorized | icon4 09 13th, 2019| icon3Comments Off on Problem Solved

I was having trouble uploading the different file formats for Super #3, but they’re available now. If you click the “I want this!” button for any book, it will take you to the Gumroad website to complete your purchase (they provide a secure connection). You can then click the box above the “name your price” box to select the version you desire.

Sep 7
Super September
icon1 Justin | icon2 Uncategorized | icon4 09 7th, 2019| icon3Comments Off on Super September

Issue #3 of Super is here and you can get it below. It and the previous issues are now “pay what you want” for the digital versions! We only have the PDF of this issue up right now, due to a snafu, but the CBR and CBZ versions will be available as soon as possible.

Aug 16
Just About to Drop
icon1 Justin | icon2 Uncategorized | icon4 08 16th, 2019| icon3Comments Off on Just About to Drop

I was trying to get this out this week, but thanks to an act of dog that is likely going to get very costly for me (more on that some other time), issue three of Super will be out sometime in the next few days.

On this issue we have myself, Gilbert on the pencils, Daniel Blodgett and Ramon Bunge handling color work, and Angel Patten doing the color flatting work. The team on issues four through six is me handling writing and letters, Gilbert on the art, Daniel doing colors with Angel tackling the color flats.

Here’s a quick look at the cover. See you folks soon for the release of issue three!

Jun 4
Super Sunday
icon1 Justin | icon2 Uncategorized | icon4 06 4th, 2017| icon3Comments Off on Super Sunday

Issue two of Super is out and ready to purchase. You can do so below!

Jun 3
Crustaceous Hijinks
icon1 Justin | icon2 Uncategorized | icon4 06 3rd, 2017| icon3Comments Off on Crustaceous Hijinks

Because I get ideas for this stuff when it happens, and some won’t leave me until I make them reality, I present you this:
#covfefe #moana #trump #justadmititwasatypoonatweetyoudidntmeantosendoutyoujackass

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